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ObjectPtr create_spatial(int scriptID, int tile, int elevation, int radius)

Creates new spatial script with given SID, at given tile, and radius.


int get_script(ObjectPtr)
  • accepts a pointer to an object and returns its scriptID (line number in scripts.lst), or 0 if the object is unscripted.
  • returns -1 on argument error.


void remove_script(ObjectPtr)

Accepts a pointer to an object and will remove the script from that object.


void set_script(ObjectPtr, int scriptid)

Accepts a pointer to an object and scriptID, and applies the given script to an object (scriptID accept the same values as create_object_sid from sfall 3.6). If used on an object that is already scripted, it will remove the existing script first; you cannot have multiple scripts attached to a single object. Calling set_script on self_obj will have all sorts of wacky side effects, and should be avoided. If you add 0x80000000 to the sid when calling set_script, map_enter_p_proc will be SKIPPED. The start proc will always be run.



int spatial_radius(ObjectPtr obj)

Returns radius of spatial script, associated with given dummy-object (returned by create_spatial).