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int add_extra_msg_file(string fileName)

Loads the custom message file, and returns the file ID number assigned to it in range from 0x3000 to 0x3FFF for the message_str_game function to get messages from the file.

  • fileName: the name of the custom message file (including the .msg extension) in text\<language>\game\ directory.

Alternative form: int add_extra_msg_file(string fileName, int fileNumber)

  • fileNumber: the file ID number for the message_str_game function. The available range is from 0x2000 to 0x2FFF (see ExtraGameMsgFileList setting in ddraw.ini) Use fileNumber only if you want to add a message file without editing ddraw.ini or existing scripts to support the old way.



void add_g_timer_event(int time, int fixedParam)

Adds a timer event that calls the timed_event_p_proc procedure in the current global script time: the number of ticks after which the event timer is triggered fixedParam: the value that is passed to the timed_event_p_proc procedure for the fixed_param function


int get_game_mode()

A more flexible version of in_world_map. It will return a set of flags indicating which mode the game is currently in. These flags are the same as those used in the set_shader_mode function.

sfall_func1(“remove_timer_event”, int fixedParam)


void sfall_func1("remove_timer_event", int fixedParam)

Removes all timer events with the specified fixedParam value for the current global script.

void sfall_func0(“remove_timer_event”)


void sfall_func0("remove_timer_event")

Clears all set timer events for the current global script.